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Passionate About Inspiring Others

David Wayne Thornton was born October 20,1957. He was raised in Wilmington, New Castle County, Delaware. He received his early education from P.S. DuPont High School in Wilmington, however, he left after his freshman year and moved to Las Vegas. There he chose a life of crime and drugs and maintained that lifestyle throughout his teens and early 20's. His drug addiction spiraled to the point of continuous homelessness and incarceration.


David struggled with drug addiction during most of his early years, however, it was after his brother rescued him from an abandoned building (while on one of his binges) and gave him the news that his mother had passed away. It broke David’s heart when he realized that because of the life he had chosen, he had no knowledge that his mother had passed away. It devastated him that he had lost his mother, the most precious thing to him. David finally realized that there was a better way to live. After being released from prison in 1995, David finally decided to “get clean” and take control of his life. He decided to join a 12-Step Program. The 12-Step Program was the catalyst to a new beginning for life. David has been clean and sober for over 20 years, continues to attend a 12-Step Program and mentors those currently incarcerated. 


David has spent his life using his personal and professional experiences to help individuals with challenges overcome life adversities. He provides them with the support they need when their life seems to be more than they can handle. As a recovering drug addict, he knows how life hardships can affect every facet of one’s existence as well as the lives of others. While his focus is on homelessness, he also provides services for children, adults and families who are dealing with traumatic situations of their own. In addition, he provides jobs for those in his community.


Although never completing high school, David has made his own success story. After becoming clean and sober, he was convinced that God had much more planned for him. He met and married his wife Jennifer. They have four children and seven grandchildren. David had held many jobs; but he dreamed of one day having his own business. While working as a server at a local country club a prestigious member noticed David’s personality and work ethic, and presented him with an opportunity. This member needed someone he could trust to drive his personal car to Florida. This one chance led to others needing the same service; thus, David’s vision of God's greater plan began to form. He found he loved driving for others and decided that was what he was meant to do! In 2003 he founded and launched JDT Concierge Services, Inc. JDT is a 100% minority owned business providing transportation services in his community to Senior Citizens, School Children, Corporate and Private customers.


Currently, David is establishing his latest vision, The SOAR Foundation, Inc. which will channel programs and services to disadvantaged individuals he is dedicated to serving. David knows there is no single approach that works for everyone. Therefore, he continues to educate himself on emerging life challenges. This will enable him to to develop the most comprehensive programs that will work for those he has a passion to help, especially the homeless. 

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